101-200 most common English words with examples

Here is the list of 101-200 most common English words with examples

  1. Again (adverb): She is late again.
  2. Great (adjective):It is great pleasure to attend this conference.
  3. Two (number): She has two uncles.
  4. Can (modal verb): She can speak two languages.
  5. Go (verb): You can go to bed.
  6. Over (adverb; preposition): It will be over soon. A bridge over the river.
  7. Too (adjective): too young; too large; too fat; me too
  8. Here (adverb): Come here; far from here; over here
  9. Came (past tense of come): Summer came; I came by train; She came into the room
  10. Old (adjective): old man; old car; to get old; The bread is old.
  11. Thought (noun): to give any thought; to have a thought; my thoughts are with you.
  12. Himself (pronoun): He thinks too much of himself.
  13. Where (adverb): Where are you from? Where does Anna live?
  14. Our (determiner): our house; our friends; our love
  15. May (modal verb): May I come in? She may be waiting for you at home.
  16. First (ordinal number): The First of September; first time; first aid
  17. Way (noun): Way to the airport; to lose your way
  18. Has (3rd person singular of have): She has a new car; He has invited me; The party has 1 000 members.
  19. Though (conjunction): We went out, though it was raining.
  20. Without (preposition): without me; without umbrella; without difficulty
  21. Went (past tense of go): He went to the cinema; They went into the room.
  22. Us (pronoun): with us, about us, send us
  23. Away (adverb): Run away; go away; a mile away; She’s away.
  24. Day (noun): every day; the day before yesterday; three days ago; the days of the week. 
  25. Make (verb): to make coffee; to make paper; to make a mistake      
  26. These (determiner): these men; these girls, these photos are old.
  27. Young (adjective): young children; young man; young at heart
  28. Nothing (pronoun): There is nothing in the yard.
  29. Long (adjective): long film; long river; long hair; long career
  30. Shall (modal verb): I shall never see him again.
  31. Sir (noun): May I come in, sir
  32. Back (noun; adjective; adverb): back of the bus; back pain; to get back
  33. Don’t (short form of do not): Don’t enter; don’t speak; don’t cry
  34. House (noun): at my house; house agent; to buy a house
  35. Ever (adverb): Have you ever been to Chicago?
  36. Yet (adverb): I haven’t prepared my lessons yet.
  37. Take (verb): to take a shower; to take an exam; to take notes
  38. Every (determiner): every day; every time; every word
  39. Hand (noun): a gloved hand; a hand towel; right hand; left hand; made by hand
  40. Most (Superlative of much, many and a lot of): The USA is the most democratic country in the world.
  41. Last (determiner; adjective): last night; last month; last cigarette
  42. Eye (noun): green eye; tears in your eyes; above the eye; to close your eyes 
  43. Its (determiner): its paw; its food; 
  44. Miss (verb): to miss the bus; to miss the ball; to miss the breakfast
  45. Off (adverb; preposition): to be off; to take off; The TV is off:; off the grass; off he desk
  46. Look (verb): She looks well; you look tired.
  47. Even (adverb; adjective): They don’t even know how to solve this issue; even surface; even numbers. 
  48. While (conjunction): Rebecca called you while you were sleeping.
  49. Dear (adjective): Dear Sir or Madam; Dear friend; Dear Anna
  50. Many (determiner): many people; too many; many mistakes
  51. Life (noun): Life is too short to worry about anything.
  52. Still (adverb): I still haven’t finished my work.
  53. Mind (noun; verb): keen mind; evil mind; creative mind; I don’t mind the noise
  54. Quite (adverb): quite good; quite common; quite cold; quite interesting
  55. Another (determiner; pronoun) Give me another pen. 
  56. Those (determiner): those flowers; those books; those women
  57. Just (adverb): I’m just reading the comments.
  58. Head (noun): to bend your head; to nod your head
  59. Tell (verb): to tell the news; to tell jokes; to tell a lie; to tell the truth
  60. Better (comparative of good); It was better than we expected.           
  61. Always (adverb): She always comes in time.
  62. Seem (verb): to seem happy; to seem tired; to seem younger
  63. Put (verb): Put the books on the desk.
  64. Face (noun): She has a round face.
  65. Let (verb): Please let me pass.
  66. Poor (adjective): poor family; poor county poor soil
  67. Place (noun): We are looking for a place for picnic.
  68. Why (adverb): Why are you late?
  69. Done (adjective): The meat is done. I’m done.
  70. Herself (pronoun): She cut herself
  71. Found (verb; past simple and past participle of find): to found a company; to found a town. I found my bag.
  72. Through (preposition): through the window; through the tunnel; through the water; through the crowd
  73. Same (adjective): They went to the same university.
  74. Under (preposition): under the bed; under the tree; under 50 percent
  75. Enough (determiner): enough room; enough water; enough experience; enough for everyone
  76. Soon (adverb): I’ll be soon there. See you soon. Please do it as soon as possible.
  77. Home (noun; adjective): to stay at home; family home; home product
  78. Give (verb): to give a present; to give advice; to give a tip
  79. Indeed (adverb) Did she indeed achieved her target?
  80. Left (adjective; adverb): left hand; to turn left
  81. Get (verb): to get a present; to get a lesson; get a shock
  82. Once (adverb): I was a sailor once.
  83. Mother (noun): She’s a mother of four.
  84. Heard (past simple and past participle of hear): I heard what you said.
  85. Myself (pronoun): I have faith in myself.
  86. Rather (adverb): That’s rather an interesting book.
  87. Love (noun; verb): my first love; the love of your life; I love music.
  88. Knew (past tense of know): I knew him well.
  89. Got (past simple and past participle of get; auxiliary verb): He got a phone call; I have got two daughters.
  90. Lady (noun): a young lady answered the phone.
  91. Room (noun): dining room; living room; waiting room
  92. Something (pronoun): There is something on the table?      
  93. Yes (exclamation): ‘Is this book difficult?’ ‘Yes, it is.’
  94. Thing (noun): What’s that thing on the desk?
  95. Father (noun): the relationship between father and son
  96. Perhaps (adverb): Perhaps he will write to me today.
  97. Sure (adjective): Are you sure
  98. Heart (noun): Weak heart; my heart is beating fast.
  99. Right (adjective; adverb): right answer; right time; to turn right; go right
  100. Against (preposition): against the law; against the wall; against the wind.

Index of most common English words
