Synonyms with D

Here is the list of words that start with D and their synonyms

Synonyms: Damage; Hurt; Harm: Impair

  • Dainty (adj): delicate
  • Damage (v): hurt, harm, impair 
  • Danger (n): hazard, peril, risk
  • Daring (adj): brave
  • Dash (v): 1. rash 2. throw, beat
  • Up to date (adj): contemporary, modern
  • Dawn (n): daybreak, sunrise
  • Dazzle (v): blind
  • Deadlock (n): stalemate
  • Deadly (adj): lethal
  • Deafening (adj): ear-splitting, loud
  • Debase (v): devalue
  • Debate (v): discuss, speak, communicate, consult 

Synonyms: Discuss; Debate; Consult; Speak; Communicate

  • Decay (v): rot
  • Deceit (n): deception
  • Deceive (v): cheat, betray, take in, trick, con 

Synonyms: Deceive; cheat; trick; con

  • Decent (adj): honest, fair
  • Deceptive (adj): misleading
  • Declaration (n): statement, comment, announcement, remark 

Synonyms: Declaration; statement; comment; announcement; remark

  • Declare (v): state
  • Decline (v): 1. decrease 2. refuse
  • Decode (v): decipher
  • Decrepit (adj): aged, antiquated
  • Decry (v): condemn
  • Dedicate (v): devote
  • Deduce (v): infer
  • Deduct (v): subtract
  • Deed (n): act
  • Defeat (v): beat
  • Defective (adj): faulty, imperfect
  • Defend (v): 1. protect 2. support
  • Defer (v): delay, put off
  • Deficiency (n): shortage, scarcity
  • Definite  (adj): 1. certain, bound, sure. guaranteed 2. clear, obvious
  • Deft (adj): skillful, quick
  • Degenerate (v): deteriorate
  • Dejected (adj): despondent
  • Delay (v): defer
  • Deliberate (adj): intentional, planned
  • Delicate (adj): fragile
  • Delicious (adj): tasty
  • Delight (adj): pleasure, joy
  • Demand (v): require, expect, insist, ask
  • Demolish (v): destroy, knock down, pull down
  • Demonstrate (v): 1. Display 2. Protest
  • Demure (adj): modest
  • Denote (v): signify
  • Dense (adj): thick
  • Depend on (v): bank on, trust, rely on
  • Deploy (v) 1. Dispose 2. Use
  • Depraved (adj): evil, wicked
  • Depressed (adj): sad
  • Derisory (adj): laughable
  • Desert (v): abandon, leave
  • Desire (n): wish
  • Desolate (adj): 1. abandoned, empty 2. lonely, forlorn
  • Despite (prep): in spite of
  • Destiny (n): fate, fortune
  • Destroy (v): demolish
  • Detach (v): remove
  • Detail (n): fact, item
  • Detailed (adj): comprehensive
  • Detain (v): arrest, keep
  • Detect (v): discover, notice
  • Deter (v): inhibit
  • Determine (v): 1. establish 2. decide
  • Detest (v): hate, loathe
  • Detonate (v): blast, blow up, burst, erupt 

Synonyms: Detonate; explode; blow up; burst; erupt

  • Detriment (n): damage, harm
  • Devastate (v): destroy
  • Devastating (adj): disastrous
  • Develop (v): make, do, create, produce, generate
  • Deviate (v): differ
  • Devious (adj): deceitful
  • Devise (v): invent
  • Devoid (adj): lacking
  • Devoted (adj): fond
  • Devotee (n): admirer
  • Devour (v): gobble
  • Dexterous (adj): skillful
  • Dialogue (n): conversation, talk, debate, consultation, chat, gossip
  • Die (v): pass away
  • Different (adj): various
  • Difficult (adj): complicated, hard, challenging, demanding
  • Diffident (adj): shy
  • Dig (v): excavate
  • Dilate (v): enlarge, broaden
  • Dilemma (n): predicament
  • Diminish (v): decrease
  • Din (n): racket
  • Dingy (adj): dark, durty
  • Dire (adj): serious
  • Direct (v): 1. control 2. order, instruct, command
  • Dirt (n): mud, dust, clay, land, ground
  • Dirty (adj): muddy, dusty, soiled,
  • Disaster (n): catastrophe
  • Discard (v): get rid of, reject
  • Discern (v): detect
  • Disclaim (v): deny
  • Disclose (v): reveal
  • Discreet (adj): tactful
  • Discriminate (v): differentiate, distinguish
  • Discuss (v): debate, speak, communicate, consult
  • Disease (n): illness, disorder, infection, ailment
  • Disgrace (n): shame
  • Disgraceful (adj): unacceptable
  • Disguise (v): 1.camouflage 2. hide, conceal
  • Disgusting (adj): foul, revolting
  • Dismal (adj): miserable
  • Displace (v): replace
  • Display (v): exhibit
  • Distant (adj): far
  • Distinct (adj): clear, definite
  • Distinction (n): difference, contrast
  • Distinguish (v): differentiate
  • Distract (v): divert
  • Distraught (adj): anxious, upset
  • Disturb (v): 1. interrupt 2. worry
  • Diverse (adj): different
  • Divide (v): split up
  • Dizzy (adj): giddy
  • Dominant (adj): important, powerful
  • Dominion (n): authority
  • Done (adj): finished, completed
  • Dormant (adj): inactive
  • Dot (n): mark, spot
  • Doubtful (adj): dubious
  • Doze (v): sleep, nap, snooze 

Synonyms: sleep; doze; snooze; nap

  • Drag (v): draw, haul, pull, tow, tag
  • Dread (v): fear
  • Dreadful (adj): awful, horrible, terrible, vile, horrendous 

Synonyms: awful; horrible; dreadful; vile; horrendous; terrible

  • Dreary (adj): dull
  • Drench (v): soak, wet
  • Dress (n): clothes, clothing, garment, wear, gear 

Synonyms: clothes; clothing; dress; garment; wear; gear

  • Dress (v): put on, wear
  • Drop (v): fall
  • Dull (adj): 1. boring, tedious, dreary 2.cloudy, overcast
  • Dusk (n): twilight
  • Duty (n): tax, customs, tariff, rates 

Synonyms: tax; duty; tariff; rates

  • Dwell (v): live, stay
  • Dye (n): colour

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
