Tiredness vocabulary
Tiredness vocabulary with definitions and example sentences
Bleary (adj)
(of eyes or vision) unable to see clearly or focus your eyes
properly because you are tired or ill
- I usually wake up bleary-eyed in the morning.
Burnout (n)
emotional, physical or mental condition of
having no energy, enthusiasm or confidence because you have worked hard for a long time
- occupational/professional burnout
- Teachers, nurses and social workers usually suffer from burnout.
Careworn (adj)
looking tired and sad because you have
worries for a long time
- He has a careworn expression on his face.
Comatose (adj)
humorous. without any energy or in a very
deep sleep because you are very tired
- She was comatose from lack of sleep.
Dog-tired (adj)
informal. extremely tired
Drained (adj)
very tired and having no energy
- I feel emotionally drained and unhappy.
Drawn (adj)
(of the face) looking pale and tired
because of illness, pain or worry
- Anna looked drawn and anxious.
Droop (v)
to bend or hang down because of weakness or
- I think it’s time for bed. Your eyelids are drooping.
Drowsy (adj)
feeling tired and needing sleep
- The light music made me drowsy.
Exhaust (v)
to make yourself/someone feel extremely
- Driving all night exhausted me physically.
- He has exhausted himself swimming two miles.
Exhausted (adj)
extremely tired
- to be/feel/look exhausted
- Carrying the heavy boxes left us exhausted.
Exhaustion (v)
the state of being exhausted
- I was suffering from exhaustion and severe leg pain.
Fatigue (n)
the state of being extremely tired because
of hard physical or mental work, stress or illness
- Busy and stressful lifestyle is a common cause of fatigue.
Fatigued (adj)
extremely tired
- Depression left her feeling fatigued.
Flop (v)
to lie or sit down suddenly because you are
extremely tired or without any energy
- He flopped down onto the sofa, as he was completely exhausted.
Frazzled (adj)
informal. very tired and slightly worried
- My nerves are totally frazzled.
Groggy (adj)
informal. weak and unable to concentrate,
think clearly or move steadily because of being ill/sick or tired
- The antidepressants made him groggy.
Haggard (adj)
looking very tired, anxious or ill
especially with dark circles under your eyes
- He looked thin and haggard.
Overtired (adj)
completely exhausted
Somnolent (adj)
tired and sleepy
- a somnolent evening
Spent (adj)
formal. very tired and without energy
- I was utterly spent at the end.
Tire (v)
to get tired, or to make someone feel tired
- He tires quickly these days.
Tired (adj)
having no energy because you need to rest
or sleep
- I was too tired to do anything else.
Wearing (adj)
causing you to be mentally or physically
- Working with animals all day can be wearing.
Wearisome (adj)
tiring and boring
- a difficult and wearisome task
out (v)
to exhaust yourself/someone
- Looking after these children really wears me out.
Weary (adj)
very tired or fatigued after doing
something for a long time
- I felt weary after the walk along the cliffs.
Whacked (adj)
informal. extremely tired
- I’m completely whacked.
Wiped out (adj)
informal. completely exhausted
Worn out (adj)
informal. emotionally or physically exhausted
- We are absolutely worn out after a five-mile run.