Bathroom vocabulary
A bathroom is a room where there is a bath, shower, and sometimes a toilet.
You can wash yourself or go to the toilet in the bathroom. What else people do
in the bathroom:
to have a bath [US to take a bath]
to have a shower [US to take a shower]
to brush your teeth
to have a shave
a small brush with a long handle, used for cleaning the teeth, gum and
- I frequently change my toothbrush.
- Don’t share your toothbrush with others.
a thick substance that
you use with your toothbrush to clean your teeth
- a tube of toothpaste
Also: Basin
American English.
bathroom sink or washbowl
a large bowl that is
permanently attached to the wall in a bathroom and connected to the water
supply, in which you can wash you hands and face
- He washed his hands at the washbasin.
- Fill the sink with warm water.
American English.
a small round piece of
plastic, rubber or metal that is used to close a hole tightly in a sink or a
- to pull out the plug
- to put the plug in the sink
a substance that is used with water for washing your body or cleaning
- a bar of perfumed soap
a piece of soft cloth
used for drying your skin or for drying dishes
- a bath/beach/hand/kitchen/tea towel
- She was drying herself with a towel.
- I wiped my hands on your clean towel.
Towel rail
American English. Towel
a bar or frame attached
to a wall in the bathroom, used to hold towels
a light soft substance
that is able to absorb water, and is used for washing or cleaning
- a bath/kitchen sponge
American English.
a long deep container
that is filled water so that you can wash yourself in it
- He soaked in the bath.
a large bowl with a
hole, seat and lid, used for getting rid of urine or faeces from your body
- I had to go to the toilet. [US go to the bathroom]
- I asked him to flush the toilet.
Toilet paper
Also: toilet tissue
thin soft paper that you
use to clean yourself after getting rid of waste from your body
- a roll of toilet paper
a piece of equipment
that sprays water on you to stand under and wash yourself
- a shower curtain/cubicle
- I’m in the shower.
a liquid with a pleasant
smell that some men put on their faces to reduce skin irritation after shaving
- a smell of aftershave
a small tool with a
sharp blade, used to cut the hair from the skin
- an electric razor
a liquid soap used for
cleaning hair
- a bottle of shampoo
See also: Beauty Salon vocabulary