Kitchen vocabulary
also liquidizer
an electric machine used for making soft food liquid
- I used a blender to purée the strawberries.
(also casserole dish) a large deep dish with a lid, used for cooking meat, vegetables, etc. in an oven
- Heat the oil in a large casserole dish.
a bowl with a lot of small holes in it, used for draining or washing food
- Rinse the mushrooms in a colander under running water.
US cabinet
a piece of furniture with doors, shelves and drawers used for storing things
- I spent some time organizing the kitchen cupboards.
a piece of electrical equipment with blades, used for cutting and mixing food
- He chopped onions in a food processor.
US Refrigerator
a piece of equipment in which food and drinks can be stored at low temperatures
- I put the bottle back in the fridge.
Frying pan
a shallow metal pan with a long handle, used for cooking something in hot oil or fat
- Heat the olive oil in a frying pan.
US teakettle
a metal or plastic container with a lid, handle and spout, used for heating or boiling water
- Steam rose from the kettle.
a large deep spoon with a long handle, used for serving liquids
- a soup ladle
a piece of equipment used for mixing foods
- Put the eggs and sugar into the bowl of a stand mixer.
a piece of equipment shaped like a box with a door, used for cooking and heating food
- a microwave oven
- a gas/an electric oven
Rolling pin
a piece of cylindrical wood used for making pastry smooth and flat
- Take the rolling pin and roll out the dough thinly.
US pot
a deep round pan with one long handle used for cooking food
- I boiled the water in a saucepan.
US sifter
a tool consisting of a wire or plastic net attached to a frame, used for separating solids from a liquid or smaller pieces of something from larger pieces
- Pour sauce through a fine sieve into a bowl.
Tin opener
US can opener
a small tool used for opening tins of food
- How did you open it without a can opener?
an electrical device used for making sliced bread crisp and brown by heating it on both sides
- I put two slices of bread into the toaster.
Chopping board
US cutting board
a wooden board that is used to cut foods on
- Dice the carrots on the cutting board.
a small kitchen tool made of wire that you use to stir eggs or cream
- Using a whisk, beat the egg white.