Fair vs Fare

Words that are pronounced the same often confuse the learners of English. These words are homophones. Homophones sound the same but have different meanings, origins or spellings.
Fair and fare are two commonly confused words in English because they are homophones. Fair and fare are both pronounced as /feə(r)/.


The word fair can be an adjective, adverb, or a noun and has a lot of meanings. As an adjective it means (1) reasonable and acceptable, (2) treating a group of people equally, (3) quite good, (4) not cloudy or stormy, (5) pale, and (6) blonde.
  1. I thought $50 was a fair price.
  2. It's not fair. I always do all the work
  3. He has a fair chance of passing the exam.
  4. Fair weather is forecast for tomorrow.

The adverb fair means in a reasonable and honest way or according to the rules.
  • You can trust me to play fair.

Fair can also be used as a noun to mean an event at which people or companies sell and show their products.
  • His new designs have been exhibited at the trade fairs.


Fare can be used as a noun or a verb.

As a noun

the money that you pay to travel by public transportation
  • Children over 14 travel (at) full fare.

a passenger who is traveling  in a taxi
  • The taxi driver picked up two fares outside the airport.

As a verb

to be successful or unsuccessful in a particular activity
  • She had fared well in the interview.

Fair vs Fare
