Phrasal verbs with Hold
Here is a list of phrasal verbs with "Hold"
Hold against
to have a bad opinion of someone because they have done something wrong in the past:- Nobody held my failure against me.
Hold back
to stop someone from doing something or to stop something from doing something:- They were unable to hold back the demonstrators.
Hold down
(S) to prevent prices or number from rising:- Their goal was to hold down costs.
Hold forth
to talk about something for a long time in a way that is boring:- He was holding forth about/on her achievements.
Hold in
(S) to not allow yourself to show an emotion or feeling:- She couldn't hold her anger in.
Hold off
1. to delay doing something or making a decision:- Let's hold off until the last possible moment.
- The rain held off until after the race had finished.
Hold on
1. to wait or stop:- Hold on a minute, I'm not quite ready.
- We must hold on until help arrives.
- Hold on tight to your chair.
Hold out
1. to continue being enough:- How long will your food hold out?
- They were able to hold out for a month.
Hold out for
to refuse to accept an offer:- They are still holding out for a higher price.
Hold out on
Informal. to not give someone new or important information:- He didn't tell the truth. He's been holding out on me.
Hold over
to not deal with something until a later time:- The trial was held over until the next day.
Hold to
to force someone to do what they have promised:- I'm going to hold you to that commitment.
Hold together
(S) to keep something complete:- She was trying to hold the family together.
Hold up
1. (S) to support someone or something and prevent them from falling:- He tried to stand, but his legs wouldn't hold him up.
- The heavy traffic held me up.
- She managed to hold up under the pressure.
- The gas station was held up by two men.
Hold with (usually used in negative sentences)
to approve of something:- I don't hold with prejudice.
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