Phrasal verbs/K-J

Phrasal verbs that start with J

Jerk around

American English, informal. to cause difficulty for someone, especially by being dishonest or unfair with them:
  • Why are you jerking him around?

Jog along

British English, informal. to continue with little change:
  • The business is jogging along.

Join in

to take part or become involved in an activity:
  • He also joined in the discussion.

Join up

1. to become a member of the army, the navy, or the air force:
  • They both joined up in 1914.
2. to get together with other people in order to do or achieve something:
  • They joined up with their Chinese counterpart.

Jostle for

to compete with other people in order to get something:
  • Both sides were jostling for position.

Jump at

to accept an opportunity eagerly:

  • I jumped at the chance to go to Italy.

Jump on

Informal. to criticize someone suddenly and strongly:
  • He jumped on the boys for the little thing.

Phrasal verbs that start with K

Keel over

Informal. to fall down because you are tired or ill:
  • He keeled over and died two hours later.

Phrasal verbs with Keep
Phrasal verbs with Kick

Kid around

to behave in a way that is not serious:
  • I am not kidding around here.

Kill off

(S) to destroy all of something:
  • Antibiotics may kill off useful bacteria.

Kit out

British English. to provide someone with clothes or equipment that are necessary for a particular activity:
  • They were all kitted out and ready for the mountain biking.

Knock around/Knock about

1. Informal. to spend time somewhere without any particular purpose:
  • I knocked around L.A. for a few months.
2. Informal. (S) to hit or kick someone repeatedly:
  • Her husband used to knock her around.
3. Informal. to spend your spare time with someone:
  • She always knocked around with boys.

Knock back

1. Informal. (S) to quickly drink an alcoholic drink:
  • He knocked back vodka and tonic.
2. British English. Informal. (S) to cost someone a particular amount of money:
  • That carpet knocked me back £ 150. 

Knock down

1. (S) to make someone or something fall to the ground:
  • He knocked his opponent down with a punch.
2. (S) to demolish a building:
  • This old factory should be knocked down.
3. (S) to reduce the price of something:
  • She knocked down the price from $150 to $100.

Knock off

1. Informal. to stop working:
  • I'll knock off early today.

Knock out

1. (S) to cause someone to become unconscious or to fall asleep:
  • He knocked out his opponent in the third round.
  • A couple of pills knocked him out.
2. to defeat a person or a team in a competition so that they cannot continue in it:
  • Joe was knocked out of the tournament in the seventh round.

Knock together

Informal. (S) to make or build something quickly and without enough care:
  • He's knocking a dinner together for us.

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