Money vocabulary

Coins or banknotes (also notes) that are used to buy goods and services are called money. A coin is a small, round piece of metal used as money. A banknote is a piece of paper money. The system of money used in a country is called currency. For example, the ruble is the currency unit of Russia. Money in the form of notes (banknotes) and coins is cash.

Money Vocabulary Quiz

Here is the list of words that you can use when talking about money.

Bonus (n)

an extra amount of money that is paid as a reward
  • a Christmas bonus

Cheque (n)

 a written order that is used to make payments from a cardholder’s bank account
  • to make a cheque out to someone

Commission (n)

an amount of money paid to salespeople for selling goods
  • to work on commission

Credit card (n)

a plastic card that is used to buy things and pay for them later. A plastic card provided by a store or a shop is called a charge card.
  • to pay by credit card

Debit card (n)

a plastic card that is used to make payments electronically from a cardholder’s bank account

Debt (n)

money that is owed to a person, bank, etc.
  • to pay off/repay a debt

Deposit (n)

a sum of money that people put into a bank account
  • to make a deposit

Donate (v)

to give money or goods to an organization or charity

Fee (n)

money paid for work done by a professional person
  • legal fees

Invest (v)

to put money into something to earn more money
  • to invest in the property/stock market

Overtime (n)

an amount of money paid for working after the usual time
  • to do/work overtime

Pension (n)

an amount of money paid by the government or a company to people who are old or sick
  • to draw/receive a pension

Profit (n)

money that you gain in a business or trade after paying all the costs and expenses
  • to make a profit from something

Salary (n)

an amount of money paid by employer every month. The amount of money that does not include any extra payments is called a basic salary.
  • to earn/get/receive a salary

Social security (n)

an amount of money paid by the government to people who are poor or without work
  • to be on social security

Tip (n)

a small amount of extra money given to a waiter, taxi driver, etc.
  • to leave/give a tip

Transaction (n)

a business deal, for example, the process of buying or selling something
  • financial/commercial/business transactions

Wage (n)

an amount of money paid by an employer, usually every week
  • daily/hourly/weekly wage

Basic salary
Base salary

Money vocabulary

Vocabulary Cards

Money Vocabulary

Money Vocabulary

Money Vocabulary

Money Vocabulary

Money Vocabulary

Money Vocabulary

Money Vocabulary

Money Vocabulary

Money Vocabulary

Money Vocabulary

Money Vocabulary

Money Vocabulary

Money Vocabulary

Money Vocabulary

Money Vocabulary

Money Vocabulary

Money Vocabulary
