100 most common English words with examples

Here the list of 100 most common English words with examples.

  1. The (definite article): The US president
  2. And (conjunction): She was singing and dancing.
  3. To (preposition): He wants to go to Spain.
  4. Of (preposition): The colours of the rainbow
  5. A (indefinite article): This is a car.
  6. I (pronoun): I am a teacher.
  7. In (preposition): She is staying in Room 15.
  8. Was (past simple of be): I was right.
  9. He (pronoun): He is my father.
  10. That (determiner): That’s my car, over there.
  11. It (pronoun): Is it a girl or a boy? Please do not do it again.
  12. His (determiner): His voice trembled a little.
  13. Her (determiner; pronoun): Her name is Anna. You must help her.
  14. You (pronoun): You are very clever. I sent you the letter.
  15. As (adverb): My daughter was dressed as a princess. He is as tall as me.
  16. Had (past tense and past participle of have): He had a red car.
  17. With (preposition): Rebecca lives with her mother.
  18. For (preposition): This gift is for you.
  19. She (pronoun): She is my daughter.
  20. Not (For negatives): I do not read any book at weekends.
  21. At (preposition): They are at home. I’ll leave at 5 o’clock.
  22. But (conjunction): Tom is an intelligent young man, but he’s very lazy.
  23. Be (verb): Be careful.
  24. My (determiner): My family is large.
  25. On (preposition): Put the cup down on the table.
  26. Have (auxiliary verb): I have 5 children. We have discussed the question today.
  27. Him (pronoun): I saw him after years.
  28. Is (to be): This is a fashion magazine.
  29. Said (past tense and past participle of say): I said nothing about her.
  30. Me (pronoun): She told me what had happened.
  31. Which (determiner; pronoun): Which city would you live in? Which is the richest country in the worlds?
  32. By (preposition): The letter was sent by the fax. I love travelling by train.
  33. So (adverb): We are so glad you’re safe.
  34. This (determiner; pronoun): This bag is mine. This is your captain speaking.
  35. All (determiner; pronoun): All my money was stolen. All were present at the meeting.
  36. From (preposition): I’m from Denmark.
  37. They (pronoun): They finished the homework.
  38. No (negative answer): Would you like more tea? No, thanks.
  39. Were (past simple of be): They were angry about the delay.
  40. If (conjunction): You can stay with me if you want.
  41. Would (modal verb): I would like to know the programme.
  42. Or (conjunction): Is it a boy or a girl?
  43. When (adverb): When will you return to your home?
  44. What (adverb; determiner; pronoun): What do you mean? What book did you buy? What has happened?
  45. There (adverb): Put the book thereThere was a woman in the shop.
  46. Been (past participle of be): I have never been to Spain.
  47. One (number): I have one uncle.
  48. Could (modal verb): Could you come again, please?
  49. Very (adverb): She runs very quickly.
  50. An (indefinite article): This is an apple.
  51. Who (pronoun): Who is working in the garden?            
  52. Them (pronoun): We will meet them after work.         
  53. Mr.(noun): Mr. President.
  54. We (pronoun): We are fighting for peace.
  55. Now (adverb): Start working now.
  56. More (Comparative of much, many and a lot of): This question is more important than one.
  57. Out (adverb and preposition): He went out and closed the door.
  58. Do (verb; auxiliary verb): I will do what I can. Do you go to the institute every day.
  59. Are (to be): They are elegant people.
  60. Up (adverb; preposition): Nancy climbed up the stairs. He stood up to say something.
  61. Their (possessive determiner): Their room is always clean and tidy.
  62. Your (possessive determiner): Your mother was right in what she said of him.
  63. Will (modal verb): I will tell you nothing at all.
  64. Little (adjective): They live in a little house.
  65. Than (preposition, conjunction): My room is larger than yours.
  66. Then (adverb): He was working as a waiter then.
  67. Some (determiner): Would you like some coffee?
  68. Into (preposition): Let’s dive into the water.
  69. Any (determiner): I haven’t got any money.
  70. Well (adverb): He speaks English well.
  71. Much (determiner; adverb): He wants to earn much money. Thank you very much for your help.
  72. Am (to be): I am taller than my brothers.
  73. Am (to be): I am taller than my brothers.
  74. About (adverb; preposition): I will arrive at about five. I did not know anything about him.
  75. Time (noun): I love to spend time with my children.
  76. Know (verb): Do you know the answer?
  77. Should (modal verb): He should help his friends.
  78. Man (noun): He is an ambitious young man.
  79. Did (past simple of do): I did nothing wrong. Did you sleep well?
  80. Like (verb; preposition): I like Japanese food. She looks like her mother.
  81. Upon (preposition): It is based upon the scientific theory.
  82. Such (determiner): She has such beautiful eyes.
  83. Never (adverb): I have never been abroad.
  84. Only (adverb; adjective): The content is only available in English. You are the only person to complain.
  85. Good (adjective): I think his English is very good.
  86. How (adverb): How does this system work?
  87. Before (preposition; adverb): He drinks water before breakfast. I have never seen them here before.
  88. Other (determiner; pronoun): Do you have any other question? You must be tender to the others.
  89. See (verb): I couldn’t see what happened.
  90. Must (modal verb): You must return books in two days.
  91. After (preposition): I will call you after lunch.
  92. Own (adjective): Is this house your own?
  93. Come (verb): Come here, please.
  94. Down (adverb; preposition): The lift is going down. He was walking down the road.
  95. Say (verb): It is so important to say “Please” and “Thank you”.
  96. Great (adjective): The Great Wall of Chine
  97. Think (verb): I think he’s lying.
  98. Made (Past tense and past participle of made): She made milk tea for us.
  99. Might (modal verb): I might come tomorrow if I have time.
  100. Mrs. (noun): Mrs. Rebecca Nelson.

Index of most common English words

101-200 most common English words
