Reflexive Pronouns

English reflexive pronouns end in -self' or -selves and are used when the subject of the verb and the direct object of the verb are the same person. For example, in the sentence 'Jane bought herself a new coat' the reflexive pronoun 'herself' refers back to Jane'.
The singular reflexive pronouns are: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself.
The plural reflexive pronouns are: ourselves, yourselves, themselves.
In the sentences below, the reflexive pronouns match the subject of the verb.
- I cut myself on a broken glass.
- Be careful with the knife or you'll hurt yourself.
- He prepared himself for the bad news.
- We shouldn't blame ourselves.
- They are trained to defend themselves.
- I told him myself.
- Do it yourself!
We use reflexive pronouns with the proposition by when we do something alone or without help.
See also: How to use the preposition by
- He lives by himself.
- I managed to repair the television by myself.
- He washed
[himself]before going out. - They hid
[myself]in my room. - She was feeling
After prepositions of place, we usually use personal pronouns.
- We put the bag next to her
[herself]. - Can I bring a friend with me
Personal Pronouns
Possessive Pronouns
Interrogative Pronouns
Indefinite Pronouns
Demonstrative Pronouns
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